Podium with Microphone

Podium with Microphone
Make it into a Podium with Microphone
The Arc2 is a very simple looking and sleek lectern. It is hard to imagine how to add a microphone to its clear top to turn it into a multimedia podium. Rest assured, this has been done before and for some discerning clients.
Click here to see Arc2 multimedia podium with dual mic input.
There are several options when doing this as follows:
1. Thin free standing microphone
This is the method used by the sound firm Reelife for the recent Lambeth conference in the UK who required a podium wih microphone. The picture here shows the Arch Bishop of Canterbury and many other anglican leaders met for this important conference. It happens only once per decade. Reelife owns 4 lecterns and 2 tables from Procson and uses them constantly throughout the UK.
2. Wireless
Sydney firm SSPA uses a clever method for avoiding wires. They use a Sennheiser wireless pack. The clear top has a hole drilled through it. The wireless unit sits below the top, and the slim gooseneck mic sits above the top. The pack is small and silver so that it is not distracting. This makes for a multimedia podium that is completely portable!
3. Wiring through the stem
On the 'church pulpits' page (see bottom of the page for link), you can see former australian prime minister John Howard speaking on an Arc at St Andrews Cathedral Sydney. This was televised by ABC. You can also see the Queen of England who was in in the country for the commonwealth games. The stem is hollow, so the wires are run under the top and down, exiting under the base. St Andrews Cathedral have two of these multimedia podiums, and one table. This is also the method used by Chicago Airport in the USA, Railcorp in Sydney, and various other churches worldwide.
4. Clipping on and cable running down stem
This is another technique used by the company Small Systems PA.