Metal Pulpits

Metal Pulpits
Here at Procson Pulpits, we use premium materials to create stunning metal pulpits. They have the now world renowned single stainless steel stem design and fit into a variety of interiors.
A one point in the past, wooden podiums were a new thing. Now they tend to be more traditional, with a few draw backs. They tend to be bulky on the eye and heavy to move. It can often to a 3 or 4 man task to move a podium.
Now with the event of metal pulpits, especially the Arc range of metal pulpits by Stephen Procter, podiums can be shifted with ease around a stage or venue.
In fact, even though some people may still think that traditional interiors need traditional accessories, the Arc2 and Arc3 metal pulpits have proven differently. Many cathedrals around the world use and love the Arc2 and Arc3, saying that their minimalist design looks stylish but doesn't distract the audience or congregation while a speaker is speaking.
Click here to check out the Arc2 metal pulpit or here for the Arc3 range.
A one point in the past, wooden podiums were a new thing. Now they tend to be more traditional, with a few draw backs. They tend to be bulky on the eye and heavy to move. It can often to a 3 or 4 man task to move a podium.
Now with the event of metal pulpits, especially the Arc range of metal pulpits by Stephen Procter, podiums can be shifted with ease around a stage or venue.
In fact, even though some people may still think that traditional interiors need traditional accessories, the Arc2 and Arc3 metal pulpits have proven differently. Many cathedrals around the world use and love the Arc2 and Arc3, saying that their minimalist design looks stylish but doesn't distract the audience or congregation while a speaker is speaking.
Click here to check out the Arc2 metal pulpit or here for the Arc3 range.